Monday, December 14, 2009

... wishes everyone a happy holiday season.

Well, here we are 4 weeks away from the big day and nothing is how we envisioned it. Josh cannot run the race due to his stress fracture. He is bummed. He has come to peace with it and he is moving on. 

Of my last few posts several have been about injury. I don't mean to be negative. I am a positive person! Turns out this is the time, near the end of the training, when injuries pop up. So we are not unique. This is just our story.

Let there be no doubt that short of a stress fracture or similar injury such as Josh has suffered where there is simply no way in which I can compete.. I WILL be competing the 2010 WDW Marathon!!! With that in mind ....... 

Then I went for a 20 mile run last weekend. The first 17.5 miles I was feeling great, very happy, thinking to myself "yes! I CAN do this" but then ..... my IT band started acting up .... " hmmm, this is hurting. Hmmmm, this is different then my normal aches during these long runs" then unfortunately "ouch! crap! &%*! I can not run" How devastating. I continued to try and run off and on but with little success. I finished the whole 20, but did not finish it running. I had a hard time walking for 2-3 days then seemed to be ok. I was suddenly feeling very concerned about being able to complete the marathon. I managed to squeak  2.5 miles in feeling crummy, but could I have gone almost another 9??? I don't think so! So my big debate was - should I attempt another long run before the big day?

This question is a mute point at the moment because, after a full week of rest, knee feeling 100% in my day to day life, I headed out for a 5 mile run and was stricken with the same pain only 1.5 miles in. Well now, I had NOT anticipated this. I thought I'd be fine for a short run, that I might run into trouble going over 17, but not over 1 mile! AAAAAH! I continued the same pathetic walk 99%, hobble run 1%. So now what? 

Well I am already seeing a physical therapist so instead of focusing on my back and pelvis, we will be paying some attention to my knee instead :) I will also be incorporating even more cross training. Seems most people can get through this fairly quickly so we will hope for the best. 

Tis the season so...
"put one foot in front of the other... da da da da da ... and soon you'll be walking 'cross the flooooor!" 

Till next time!

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