Saturday, June 20, 2009

Busy Week!


Sunday we ran the Bunker Hill Day Road Race 8k. We finished in 52 min and change which was great for us. However, it was a fast race so we were definitely in the "back of the back" of the pack.

Monday we went for a run at the Y followed by a 1/2 mile swim. Whew! I didn't think I was going to be able to do it but my training buddy and hubby cheered me on and sure enough I was able to do it! My arms and triceps still are sore but it was a GREAT workout and I hope to incorporate more swimming into my weekly routine.

Wednesday night we met up with AllEars Teammate, Amanda, for the Rossetti 5k in Beverly, MA. for her very first race! It was SO much fun to meet Amanda and her family. What fun and we can't wait to get together for more runs or races between now and 1/9/10. Way to go Amanda!!!


Saturday we went for our longer run - 6.2 miles. We have decided to do the Galloway Method for the marathon and therefore all our training runs over 5 miles will be done this way. Today was our first try giving it a shot. Our impressions were pretty much unanimous: it is GREAT!

I had some reservations about stopping and starting and never being able to get into my "groove". Josh was worried it would just be too slow. I had my new Garmin 405 which I had set up for a warmup (we always start with a 1/2 mile fast walk) then the 4 min run/1 min walk intervals which made it very easy to stay on track. The Garmin gives you a 5 beep countdown and then one longer beep so you know when to switch walk to run and vice versa. 

I found I was able to get into a nice groove, just a "different" one. I felt warmed up at the same time although it wasn't as painful as the first mile and a half usually is. The 4 min always gave you something to look forward to, so it was many small goals instead of one big, long, seemingly endless run. When I developed a side stitch it was easier to push through knowing a walk break was near and not feeling let down that I had to walk which I would have if I didn't have the walks already planned for. At the end we both felt good, legs not too sore, and finished with a final mile "semisprint" average pace of 9:20. Woohoo!

Josh had the concern of the Galloway being or feeling too slow. It didn't feel too slow because we ran faster then normal when we ran and we tried to keep a decent walking pace as well. Our overall time was slower, but how much of this was my side stitch which slowed me (and therefore us - thanks buddy!) for a good 10 min or the fact that we chose to run during the hottest time of the day. We had aimed for an average of an 11 min/mi and ended up with 11:18. I think as we get used to the method we can easily make up the 18 sec difference. Looking at the Garmin splits it looks like our walk interval got slower and slower so we will need to just keep up the pace there and should be all set. 

In summary: 
Our overall time was slower but this could have been due to heat, side stitch or growing pains of trying a new method.

We had a lot more kick at the end! Instead of dreading the last mile - will we make it? - we were able to kick it up a notch! 9:20 mile! Hurrah!

We felt so much better at the end and since this is our method to get us to FINISH 26.2 miles, we are sticking with it!!! I definitely feel like our goal is more attainable having tried this method. 26.2 miles is VERY intimidating but having tried the Galloway we feel WE CAN DO IT!

Thanks for reading and happy week ahead!
Cailin Gidlewski


  1. You guys are great. I'm excited for you. I absolutely love running! It was interesting to read about your feelings on the galloway method because I have read a lot about it and never tried it because I was worried about stopping and starting . . maybe I'll have to give it a try :)
    love Katie & Co

  2. Man, I'd love to start again. Wonder if my knee will take it? You guys are a wonderful inspiration! Grandma is finally on a schedule for healthy if only I could fit running or walking in somewhere! Love you!
